Hudson Bearings is proud to announce the installation of over 7,000 units at Travis Air Force Base. Hudson Bearings’ HDBT 1-3/16 CS/SS YZ IR/MW Air Cargo Ball Transfer Unit achieved pre-approved status following rigorous testing by the United States Air Force and it’s integrator supplier partner.
Hudson Air Cargo Ball Transfer design features a integrates a proprietary, stainless steel inner race with multiple weep holes supporting 850 lb. load capacity per unit.

Over 7,000 Hudson Bearings Air Cargo Ball Transfer Units Installed in a Cold Storage Facility at Travis Air Force Base.
The durable, USA-made products allow items such as 4.5 ton pallets to be moved with relative ease by one or two individuals. This not only increases efficiency, it minimizes the need for heavy equipment.
“We couldn’t be more proud of our team and the opportunity to work with the United States Air Force.” says Kevin Kroos, President of Hudson Bearings.
To learn more about Hudson Bearing’s complete line of USA-made ball transfers, visit the ball transfer section of our website.
For questions and inquiries, please contact Kevin Kroos.
Kevin Kroos, President
Hudson Bearings
Office Phone 614-846-2090 EXT. 202
Mobile Phone 614-296-3068
Fax 888-447-0505